Sunday, March 13, 2011

(16) Value As Emphasis!!!!!!

Love this. The artist used value emphasis by darkening everything else but the chick in the blue which causes the viewers eyes to go directly to her. "focal point."

(15) Value Pattern!!!!!

When i do a persons tattoo i have to map out where to put the darker shadows or the lighter whites.

(5) Gesture Line!!!!!!!

Heres an example of a Gesture Drawing. With a Gesture drawing the artist doesnt really focus on details, instead he focuses on the shape or mass of the object.

(4) Contour Line!!!!!!!

Contour Lines are delicate lines used to show details or features. With this Da vinci Sketch you can see the contour lines that are used to show details in the hands.

(2) Line As Direction!!!!!!

In The Creation Of Adam you can almost instantly see the Line as Direction. It is a Diagonal line where the two mens arms are outstretched. Love this painting by the way. Michelangelo was wild.

(1) Line as shape!!!

Ummmm..i think this works? for line as Shape? i honestly have no clue...

(23) Unity With Variety!!!

In the Design Basics book there is an example of unity with variety that is a checkerboard pattern. Well in this piece if you take away the photo of mpnroe you'll see the basic checkerboard pattern. All the artist did was add the different variations of the photos and achieve unity. i think? :/

Unity Through Continuity!!

With this piece you can see how the artist used the "grid" format and the result is unity through continuity. Its pretty boring to me. :/